Thursday, March 24, 2016

Crash and Bern - There is No Shame in Admitting Defeat

I feel I have to chime in in on the political race - when it comes to my opinion on things that matter, I can't hold back. I want to preface what I'm about to say with - I like Bernie Sanders. I agree with everything he has to say about how things are rigged against the little guy in favor of big business, etc. (btw, it all sounds a bit like Ralph Nader and Elizabeth Warren and others, so he didn't exactly invent these ideas). Not to dump on the man, but you have to ask honestly, what has he actually accomplished other than to draw attention to these ideas (which others already have before him)? I'm not saying they don't need to be continually addressed, but at some point he starts sounding like a broken record (I'm not sure that idiom works so well in this digital age). When you look at his people's own webpages promoting him, there is indeed a long list of accomplishments, but they are mostly just votes he made on other people's policies. He began in the House in 1991 and later joined the Senate in 2007 for a total of 25 years now... voting. Well how hard is it to vote like a Socialist? It's a funny thing about people who don't do much... and please don't talk about him getting arrested when he was part of SNCC in 1963... my S.O. (significant other) was part of SNCC. My S.O. was beaten up, arrested and shot at as part of SNCC and calls himself a Socialist too, but he doesn't think he's qualified to be president. Bernie talks a good game, and that's important, but like so many people who don't actually do much, they are the ones so quick to judge those who do. Oh and then he speaks out of both sides of his mouth when he proudly says he was involved with Obama Care, but then says the single payer plan is better. Let's look at Bernie who was the talk of the town when he was elected the first self-proclaimed Socialist to the House, but how quickly he abandoned his party when it came to running for president. What are you anyway, Bernie? Don't get me wrong. I do respect the man, but I will respect him a whole lot more when he bows out of the race. Let's look at the numbers. At the time that I'm writing this, Hillary has 1690 of 2636 delegates (= 64%) and Bernie has 946 of 2636 delegates (= 36%). That's what we call a landslide victory for Hillary. Don't think so? Let me share an example of a landslide victory with you (just google landslide victory and this one will come up). The outcome of the presidential election of 1936 had FDR winning with 61% of the vote and Alf Landon only 37%. Notice that Alf had one more percentage point than Bernie and notice that FDR had three fewer percentage points than Hillary. It's a sure thing that Hillary will win the Democratic nomination. The sooner Bernie starts backing Hillary, the more likely she is to win against Trump who is sure to be the Republican nominee (I'm going to assume I don't need to go into what's wrong with this candidate). It's basic math. Unless you are a misogynist. Misogyny tends to blur numbers. Hillary clearly has a stronger resume. If she were applying for the job and didn't get it, she could have a sexual discrimination suit. But elections don't work that way. She has to win over the public. She has to win over people like my S.O. who calls her shrill. I have to remind him that women's voices are generally higher in pitch than men's. There is an undercurrent of misogyny in this country. So many women feel it. I hope women realize all that they'll be doing for their gender when they vote for Hillary. Oh, and you men needn't worry - having a woman in charge won't mean you'll have to suffer the same injustices that we have endured. Remember that women give life and your mother loves you.